pelvic pain

Why Getting an Endometriosis Diagnosis Is Painfully Slow

Endometriosis affects 1 out of 10 women — but it’s still taboo, misunderstood and critically underfunded

It Took 3 Decades for Me to Receive an Endometriosis Diagnosis

Even though I had access to comprehensive healthcare and specialists, my symptoms were still dismissed

Living with Fibroids Videos

Watch these videos to learn more on how to evaluate, manage and talk with your HCP about fibroids

Gynecological Procedures Can Be a Real Pain

Why aren’t women who are undergoing painful GYN procedures routinely offered pain management?

What Actually Happens in Sex Therapy?

It's less about getting it on and more about getting real with yourself

What Is Endometriosis?

Watch this video to learn about the symptoms, risk factors and treatments for endometriosis

Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Endometriosis

It can take years for women to get diagnosed. Learn about the condition to get the help you need.

My Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Led to Iron Deficiency Anemia and Disrupted My Career, but I Took My Life Back

I realized I couldn't keep living with debilitating bleeding and fatigue every month. Finally, I found the diagnosis and the care that I needed

I Thought My Heavy Bleeding Was Normal — Until It Almost Killed Me

My fibroids caused severe anemia, and I needed a blood transfusion. But I've learned to manage the condition and advocate for the compassionate care I need

Hysterectomy Basics

What you need to know about the procedure: reasons, risks and alternatives.

From Vaginismus to Pleasure Warrior

After 30 years of painful sex, I finally learned I wasn't broken.

Vulvodynia: Pain Down There

Many women complain of pain around their labia, vagina and genital region, a common condition known as vulvodynia. While it can be challenging to treat, there are treatment options available.

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The Great Douching Debate Must End

Some women still mistakenly believe that douching will make their vaginas smell and feel cleaner and healthier. In fact, douching can cause or worsen infections.

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Why You Should Be Talking About Endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecologic disorders in America and can cause debilitating pain. But it can also be difficult to diagnose.

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Less Invasive Procedure May Treat Fibroids Without Harming Fertility

A new method that blocks blood flow to growths worked for women who went on to conceive and have children.

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